Student News



'Do something today that you are proud of and thankful for.'



Wonderful Inclusivity Display

Such a lovely display created by the creativity and vision of our SNA Sarah and with help of some our hard-working staff and children.



Peace Proms


Lá Mór Gaeilge i nDún Dealgan

On the 18th of March, students from our school had the wonderful opportunity to visit Dún Dealgan NS in Dundalk as part of Peace Plus to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and Seachtain na Gaeilge with a vibrant array of Irish language and cultural events. The day was filled with engaging activities that showcased the richness of our heritage, including traditional music performances, dancing, and storytelling in Irish. Students participated in fun workshops that encouraged the use of the language while learning about Irish customs and traditions. The spirit of camaraderie and the joy of celebrating our culture brought everyone together, making it an unforgettable experience that fostered a deeper appreciation for our Irish identity and language.


“Tír gan Teanga, Tír gan Anam.”



Lotto Money

The school lotto Fund has recently been used to purchase this lovely comfortable bean bag for our school Sensory Room. Lotto Money was also used to treat the children to pancakes on Pancake Tuesday. Money has also been used recently to fund travel for children to sporting events and Sacrament practice. 


SEAI Green Energy


The very hard working SEAI called to our school to deliver a series of workshops for our classes and parents. The children found it to be very informative and enjoyable. The initiative was very well timed as the school becomes more ‘Green,’ this week with the installation of Solar Panels.

Maria Goretti Foundation

Many thanks to Caroline Hanlon from the Maria Goretti Foundation who called into the school to collect a joint donation from Dún Dealgan NS and Boher NS. Both schools were treated to a very exciting and educational visit to Hanlon’s Farm and Transport Museum as part of our Peace Plus programme for 2025.


Camogie Training for our girls -

Camogie coaching  will run over 3 weeks on Wednesdays with coaching being provided by Eilish O’ Hare. Eilish will have helmets and balls with her.  Cooley camogie will kindly loan camogie sticks to the school for the duration of the coaching. 

(It has been requested that all girls who own their own helmets and sticks bring them to school for the dates below)


The coaching  sessions will take place on the following dates:


26th Feb:  Broken into  two sessions ;10am  until 10.30 for 2nd, 3rd and 4th   ( 12  girls ) and ;10.45 to 11.30 for 5th and 6th (12 girls)

5th March:  Broken into  two sessions ;10am  until 10.30 for 2nd, 3rd and 4th  ( 12  girls ) and ;10.45 to 11.30 for 5th and 6th (12 girls)

12th March: Broken into  two sessions ;10am  until 10.30 for 2nd, 3rd and 4th  ( 12  girls ) and; 10.45 to 11.30 for 5th and 6th (12 girls)

Transition Year Students

Fabulous Transition Year students Leah Molly and Alana took time out of their work with children to help create this wonderful display of our school’s learning journey this year. It highlights all the enjoyable experiences the children have taken part in this year and has room to add all the lovely activities we have yet to come in 2025.

Gardaí - Social Media visit

We had an interesting and informative visit this week from Gardaí Copperthwaite and McCrystal to talk about the importance of being safe online. This was part of ‘Safer Internet Day.’ 

Children from 3rd- 6th class enjoyed the talk and was great for them to share their worries, hear about possible strategies for dealing with online bullying as well as reflecting on their own online behaviour and etiquette. The message is so much more impactful when delivered by the Gardaí.



Peace Plus

The children really enjoyed the ‘school swap,’ day as we joined with Dún Dealgan NS for the first day of our Peace Plus adventure. Senior students spent the day in Dundalk with our partner school hosting wonderful educational walks around the town and a visit to the museum. The children then enjoyed a short time in Dún Dealgan school playing board games and getting to know students from the same class as them.

Meanwhile, back at the Boher, the school became a junior school for the day. Our students helped children from the Dundalk school learned about rural life. The children enjoyed tours of Muchgrange Farm and the Hanlon Transport Museum. It was a lovely day and a great way to start the program.


A big thank you to Dundalk library, Caroline and Gabrielle for hosting the tours we had on the day.  Our next shared education day will be on the 18th March with Dún Dealgan hosting an Irish language day and céilí to celebrate the end of Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Spanish Lessons

Our children have been enjoying Spanish lessons this term with Richard. Here are a few things the children had to say about the 'Yes to Language,' programme. - 

Spanish Pupil Voice:
Taiem: “ I loved fun games with Richard, we did a spanish quiz on kahoot, it was the best.”
Aidan: “ I loved learning spanish songs, we did a number song and a halloween song in
Cian: “ It was nice to learn a new language, I would love to learn more.”
Ollie: “ I will defiently take on spanish in secondary school.”
Fionn: “ we had fun activities, I will keep the worksheets so I don’t forget Spanish.”

Greeting of the Tree

Margaret had a fabulous idea this year for the children to welcome the arrival of the Christmas Tree at Boher Church. It was a lovely occasion as the children shared morning Mass with a wonderful congregation and sang some carols for the Tree’s arrival. Thank you to everyone who took part. We are lucky this year to have a very talented musician in Mrs Reynolds who embellished the music with her beautiful playing. Ms Reynold’s mum also came to take part in the celebration and played the piano to accompany the children. We also had two very talented Harpists from 6th Class bringing 'Joy to the World.'

Links to the children singing Xmas songs - 

Merry Christmas Everyone


Last Christmas 5th + 6th






It was lovely to spend some reflective time with the children at the Church as we patiently continue the waiting period before the festivities ahead of us at Christmas time. Fr Conlon taught us a wonderful phrase as we prepare for the coming of baby Jesus on Christmas morning. ‘Let every heart a manger be,’ as we welcome Christ into our lives at Christmas time.  


Thank you for the music


There is lots of lovely music filling the school in December. Paul has been recording Christmas songs and our own musical maestro, Mrs Reynolds has been leading the choir in practice of carols for Mass in Boher, Star of the Sea on Tuesday at 10am. We will complete an exciting few weeks and end the year with Ms McGuiness class, and their production of the Nativity in the same location on the 20th December at 11am. There’s always loads to look forward to in the Boher school.

Movie Trip to Dundalk


We had a wonderful trip to the museum in Dundalk to see Christmas movie, ‘The Grinch.’ The children were in fine form, keeping us entertained on the journey by singing festive favourites. The weather wasn’t great, but our Christmas Spirits were not dampened. Dundalk was looking beautiful, and we were given a warm welcome by the lovely staff at the museum.  

Trips to Lapland


Quite a few families have been over this year to check on the progress of the ‘Big Man,’ in the red suit. Here is a lovely photo of the Murphy brothers, fresh from their family trip to Lapland.

My Own Elf on the Shelf!!

Christmas throws up all sorts of surprises, none more so than what awaited me on Monday morning when I arrived at school to discover an elf had taken up residence in the SET room. He hasn’t done too much damage yet, but I’m a little bit worried about what could happen over the next few weeks!!!


The Results are in!

Congratulations to all the children who took time to create wonderful creative art pieces for the Cooley Credit Union art competition. Pictured are two lovely regional winners in their age categories, Ava and Caitlin.  Credit to them!


Hot Chocolate

To welcome the colder days of winter and mark the beginning of Advent, our school hosted a Hot Chocolate event on Thursday the 28th of November. The staff wanted to treat the children who have been busy in their Christmas preparations. Charlie is pictured enjoying his warm beverage in our cosy library area.

Blast - Drama Lessons


We bid a sad farewell to our lovely drama teacher who ahs spent time over the last couple of terms working with children from 1st-4th Class. It has been lovely to see the children relax and enjoy themselves and it has been a great experience with boosting confidence, friendships, creativeness and oral language some of the targets for the initiative. Here are some of what the children had to say about their time with Ciara Cassoni -

Alfie- “ I loved when we had to make an action and everbybody had to do it in
the middle of the circle. I love passing the clap onto the next person. I love
drama.” ( A child who would struggle with confidence and can be reluctant to
join in group activities)
Lily- “ I loved the acting when we got into groups and the status game. I felt
confident playing all the games.”
Molly- “ it was so fun. I never did it before but I would love to go to a drama
class now after school or do it again in school.”
Fionn- “ I love drama because it’s fun and active and everything Ciara gets us is
fun to do.”
Tiernan- “ one week we did a thing we had to keep our nose in line with our
hand, it was so cool.”
3 rd /4 th class teacher: “ this was a great benefit to our children, it was great to
see all children enjoy the lessons and eagerly participate. It was fantastic to see
children who would lack self confidence feel comfortable to act out in front of a
group and participate in all activities. It helped develop imagination and
creativity and a safe learning environment was provided by Ciara. Lessons
were very enjoyable to be part of.”
100% of our children (47) voted for a scale between 9 and 10 for enjoying
drama lessons, with 1 being did not enjoy them at all and 10 being they loved
drama lessons.
How do you know progress was made?
Children were eagar to get to drama lessons, there was no issues with
participation as the weeks went on and the children were working as a team to
develop their own acting skills, therefore showing the development of


imagination and creativity.

Representing Louth


Our girls’ team captain, Aisling had the honour of representing Louth in a series of games against Meath recently. Aisling is a very talented footballer and we are very proud of her achievement.

Stem Activities

When I visited students in 1st class this week, I was delighted to see the wonderful learning on show. The children were showing great co-operation and creativity in their use of STEM resources. Little Rowan was amazed at what was being made by his classmates and insisted that I take a photo of their work.

Preparations for the Girls' Final.

There was great excitement in the school on Friday as our finalists were joined for a very special training session with club players, Siobhan McCarthy and Niamh Rice. There was time for lots of great advice and coaching before the Corn Setanta final against Philipstown on Tuesday evening. A big thank you is owed to the Cooley club and player who have greatly supported the school in preparations for big games over the years.  

Minor final!

Best of luck to all our past pupils who take on St Patrick’s on Sunday. We have quite the list of talented footballers who will be representing Cooley. Joseph Hanlon, Conor Hanlon, Emmett Duffy, Conor Duffy, Ryan Duffy, Adam Brady, Matthew Brady, Robert Bolton, Eddie McGrath and Conall Shields.

A big thanks also to Darragh Thornton from 2nd Class who helped his Dad, David decorate the school in Cooley colours.


Charlie's Lego


Charlie was proud to show us his wonderful sea creation this week. He has made a crab from pipe cleaners. A very creative work of art. Charlie will also be displaying his LEGO work at a display in Dublin in October. Well done Charlie!

The Vikings are coming!!!

This sounds like it will be incredible!! A wonderful opportunity to see a living Viking camp and re-enactment.

New Altar servers.

The children of Boher NS can always be relied on to volunteer to help Fr Malachy. Here is a lovely photo of the new recruits for 2024/25


And a little Treat.


Thank you to Gabrielle at Muchgrange Farm who is so, so kind to the Boher children, treating the altar servers after their first training day with Rosie.



Just Chillin'

Some of the boys enjoying the nice September weather. 


Welcome to Boher NS -

This month we welcomed 16 wonderful new students to our school. Here is a lovely picture of two lovely children and a rarity, as Patricia Hanlon brings her Grandchild and Great Grandchild for their first day of school in the Boher. 

Congrats To Our Fabulous Girls' Team



Well done to our wonderful children who raised €360 by taking part in the Childline 'Big Breakfast,' event. 


Communion 2024

Congratulations to our 2nd Class students who participated in and received their First Holy Communion in Boher, Star of the Sea, Church in May. It was a wonderful occasion and a very enjoyable celebration back at the school afterwards. I would like to extend a huge thank you to all who helped make the occasion such a special one, 2nd Class teacher Ms Murphy, Fr Malachy and John, Rosie and the altar society, the musicians and choir, to Margaret for her wonderful support in decoration the church and school, the Green Schools Committee for tiding up the school garden, and the parent volunteers organised by the Parents Association who provided so generously with their time and lovely spread of food for the party at the school afterwards.

It really takes an enormous effort from the whole community and school to make the celebration of this important landmark Sacrament such a special one.

We will now look forward to 6th Class Confirmation on Thursday this week.

Joe McCrink

Salmon Ambassadors

Our school's involvement in the Salmon project with the Rivers Agency offers a unique opportunity to engage children with their local river habitats. By exploring the life cycle of the Atlantic salmon, pupils are introduced to broader themes of biodiversity and ecology, deepening their understanding of the natural world. This hands-on approach helps students recognize the vital role that rivers play in supporting ecosystems, and fosters an appreciation for the interconnectedness of species and their environments.

GAA Skills Challenge

A wonderful enjoyable occasion for our very talented camogie star from 5th Class who represented the school with distinction on the field. The school was also represented in the gaelic skill challenges on Friday 12th April by 6th class students Rian and Lucy.



Cooley Registration


Peace Proms

Well done to all the teachers and students who took part in the amazing Peace Proms performance on Sunday. They learned their songs so well and performed beautifully. They are a real credit to the school and the whole community. Thanks also to the Parents Association who covered the costs of the bus to Belfast on the day.



Internet Safety Week

We have had a wonderful week of events in the school for Internet Safety Day which will continue into next week with Bingo and Quiz days as week as some serious work around staying safe online. Thank you to Garda Rachel from community policing who call to the school to deliver a very interesting talk on the dangers of online apps with a clear message to always 'Be Kind,' online and in person. 




Grandparents' Day

Such a wonderful turn out for Grandparents’ Day! This is always such a wonderful occasion and is easily becoming one of the highlights of the school calendar. There was so much excitement in the school as the children eagerly awaited the arrival of their grandparents. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning and classroom spaces with family and loved ones. Thanks to the Parents’ Association for again playing such an important role in welcoming Grandparents to the school with lovely treats and a nice cup of tea. Thanks to all the parents for providing cakes and biscuits and to new member of the Parents’ Association Lorna Woods for her fabulous showcase cake.  

The choir again were fabulous, singing some familiar and uplifting songs and the teachers and children did a great job of entertaining grandparents in the classrooms.

The Addams Family

3rd-6th class spent a wonderful afternoon watching the Bush PP production of The Addams Family in Cooley Hall. It gave us such pleasure to see past pupils Eoghan, Minatullah and Genevieve confidentially performing onstage. Eoghan takes the lead role of Gomes in this wonderful musical and as it turns out is a wonderful actor, singer, dancer and a very fine swordsman.


If you haven’t plans over the next couple of nights, make your way down for an incredible show put on by very talented local students.  

Back To School.

When you know that even when learning about counting and patterns, club colours are important!!


Well Done Everyone!

Thank you all so much for all the efforts made by parents, guardians, and staff to make 2023 a wonderful experience for all our pupils. We have so much to be proud of when we reflect on the past 12 months. 2023 has seen amazing success for our pupils, not only in their commitment to learning but also in sports, quizzes, and we have recently seen how excellent they can be when given the opportunity to perform on a stage.

It took an amazing effort from the whole school to put it all together and they were just fabulous. We should be very proud of them. I took so much pleasure at watching the delight on parents' faces as they watched their children grace the floorboards of Cooley Hall.


It is amazing what we can achieve when everyone is working together. I am very much looking forward to another happy and successful New Year for Boher school in 2024. A 'Nollaig Shona Daoibh' from all the staff and students at Boher NS

Play Rehearsals

Back to the Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday this week! The Christmas Concert will take place this Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Parochial Hall. We are all so excited about it. It has been a long time since we have put together a play to perform for the community and the children have worked so hard to make it a great one. 



The Parents’ Association have been in school today putting together these absolutely fabulous and luxurious hampers for our raffle on Wednesday evening at the show. They are filled with all the delightful donations and goodies donated by our school families and local community. Thanks to everyone for your generosity. There will be some lucky and very happy people taking them home to get Christmas started early!!













Future Stars!

Well done to Jordan, Aidan and Fionn who were awarded trophies for player of the year (Jordan) and most improved players at the annual Bellurgan prize night. 



Louth Meet and greet.


Louth GAA are delighted to announce a " Meet and Greet" with Louth players in association with new sponsors Sports Direct Ireland.
Louth GAAs new 2024 jersey is available to purchase at their Louth stores where every purchase of jersey will receive a €10 Sports Direct voucher.
Event takes place Wednesday 13th December at Sports Direct Dundalk from 5:30--7pm.


Life Savers


This week the children took a break from rehearsals to take part in valuable lessons on First Aid. This was a very valuable and enjoyable experience for the children and the instructor was very impressed by their knowledge and the interesting questions that were asked. The teachers and SNAs were then joined by the staff of Rathcor school for training.



Credit Union Art Competition

Well done to all the children who took time to enter the Credit Union Art Competition. Here is a display of some of our winners!


Wreath Making Demonstration


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!! Thanks to our wonderfully busy and enterprising Parent’s Association for the fabulous Christmas Wreath making demonstration by Vivian and the wonderful stalls that were organised with raffles for goodies and craft stalls selling brilliant homemade gifts and goodies with some of the children helping out with these. We really have the most talented school community.




Sensory Room

The Sensory Room has become a wonderful and popular addition to our school. Students are fully embracing the opportunity to unwind and reduce stress. We also engaged the children in decorating the room's door, allowing them to showcase their artistic talents and leave their unique mark on it. We even added some fish to the bubble tube!!


Important: Our choir will be seated in the south stand in blocks 8-9. You do not need to purchase tickets for the participating children.  

Peace Proms

Tickets will be on sale for this from next week!!! Time to start learning the songs- Link below.


Harp Day

Lá na Cruite/Harp Day occurred on Saturday, October 21, 2023, featuring special performances both in Ireland and beyond. This event aimed to engage as many participants as possible in a celebration of Ireland's ancient harping tradition, which spans a remarkable 1000 years. Two talented harpists from the 5th class enthusiastically shared their skills with their peers, contributing to this celebration.


The 2023 harp day celebration centered around the theme of "Meanma," symbolising the moral, spiritual, and proud dedication that harpers possess in preserving the harping tradition.



Football Final

Best of luck to our wonderful girl's team who take on Philipstown NS in the Darver, Cumann na mBunscol 7 a-side final next Tuesday evening. 

Swap Shop

A wonderful swap shop event took place in school today (20/10/23). The children were very excited to see the lovely costumes in the hall as we look forward to Halloween and the wonderful dress up for end of term with a Disco in Cooley Hall next Friday. Thanks to our dedicated Parents’ Association for organising these special events.


 Kiva Launch For Students

On the 17th October we held a special event at the school for the launch of Kiva schools. The children wore odd socks as a sign of diversity and inclusiveness. Some children even wore odd shoes!! Posters were made in classes and this wonderful display was put together by our Kiva team.



Peace Proms

Our Peace Proms Choir (Extended) all ready to sing. 

Trad Lessons -

The Boher Detectives!


Drama today as Mr McCrink found himself teddy- less on junior infant ‘bring your teddy bear to school day.’ After recruiting the help of the Boher’s finest detectives, we were able to locate the poor Chubby Cheeks in Miss Fahy’s room. All were delighted with the successful hunt and Mr McCrink was overjoyed to be reunited with his childhood toy.



Free Music Lessons

Leavers 2023



After another wonderful school year, we say farewell to the 6th Class leavers. It is always difficult to see children leave the school. These children have left a lasting imprint on the school with their school spirit and kindness. They are all very ready to move on as they have outgrown our little primary school and I know they will have every success in the future as Bush Post Primary school students.  











Boys Football

Muchgrange National School from Greenore finish the school year with a clean sweep in boys’ football in the Cumann na mBunscol GAA school competitions for small schools. The year started with a victory in the Cooley blitz which saw us win the Fr McParland Cup against local rivals. This fabulous football team with the help of Joe McCrink, Gabrielle Hanlon and Andrea McDonald went on to win a further three trophies to add to the school cabinet. The boys were also successful in the Louth soccer FAI final. Their wonderful achievements will be remembered for a long time.

Tour 2023

A wonderful time was had by all as the school emptied on 19th June to head out on tour. The senior classes had a long trip to The Crystal Maze in Co Meath and were entertained by lots of great challenges and lovely weather. Juniors – 2nd Class headed to Warrenpoint and had a fab time at Fort Evergreen.


Stabannon Finals!

At the end of another year competing in the Cumann na mBunscol GAA events. An unprecedented clean sweep from the boys’ football team who won all three competitions this year. Heartbreak for the girls in a very exciting encounter against a strong Dromin team. 



Sports Day 2023

Such a wonderful sunny day for our 2023 Sports Day. Thank goodness for the wonderful, delicious ice-cream provided by Muchgrange Milk!! If our footballers show the same determination as Gabrielle, Joe and Gerard did to get their ice-ream to us, we’ll have no problems in Stabannon!! A fab day was had by all. Thanks again to Muchgrange Milk and our fabulous Parents' Council for making the day such a special one. Look out for photos of the day in the gallery section of our website.



Finals Day 17th June - (In Stabannon)

Great excitement throughout the school for the finals on Saturday 17th in Stabannon school. It would be brilliant to see friends and family of the players there on the day to support both our teams. Throw in for the boys is at 10.15am and the girl’s game begins at 11pm. Both games are on the same pitch.

A reminder to players to arrive in good time for warm-up and team talk. All players must come dressed to play. Bring plenty of water and your gumshield!! Well done on getting so far. We are all very proud of you and best of luck tomorrow!

Brilliant Boher Girls

A wonderful and successful week for girl’s football in the school. The Boher girls triumphed on Thursday over Tullydonnell in the Cumman na mBunscol semi-final for the Sciath Uí Choindealbhán competition. The next day, the girls were back in action again, taking part in the Corn Uí hÁrachtáin Under-11 blitz. Girls from 3rd and 4th class joined the team to make their school debuts. Our girls showed great togetherness and rallied after drawing their first game against Knockbridge. We fought hard to come out of the final game victorious to bring the cup home!!


 The girls will meet Dromin in the Darver finals on the 17th June. All support on the day will be most welcome.


Louth V Meath County Blitz

Four students from the Boher school Conor Hanlon, Daniel Bothwell, Ryan Duffy and Conor Duffy took to the field as Louth CnmB representative teams took on four Meath CnmB representative teams in a fantasitcally spirited blitz in Darver. Everyone in attendance were treated to a delectable feast of football. Every single boy should be proud of his performance on the field of play today. The boys from our school were lucky enough to be part of the winning team that came away with the shield. Well done!!!

Sensory Spaces 

Marmion the turtle!!!

We have had a very positive response from our students to the new sensory room and will always plan for ways to improve the wellbeing of our students and make our school a welcoming place for all. We will continue our work on the sensory spaces in our school and have added some lovely sensory plants that are nice to touch and smell. Mrs Murphy’s class have added this recycled CD art to the outdoor garden space and lavender has been added to the ‘Japanese garden.’ The school garden and yard look beautiful thanks to the hard work and leadership shown by our head gardener, Oliver, and the Eco-Schools committee.

We also have a new school mascot with a lovely feeling shell. Unfortunately, the poor fellow has yet to be named!! We are hoping that the children of our school will help come up with one for him.

Students can leave name suggestions in with Margaret in the office and we will choose the most suitable name before the end of this term. This one is just for fun. Thanks to all for your support that has been shown for school projects this year.


Confirmation 2023


A lovely photo by Nicola McDonald of our Confirmation class. Congratulations to the 23 children who made their Confirmation recently.


3rd/4th Class baking demonstration


A very exciting day in Mrs Haran’s class!! The children of 3rd and 4th were treated to a wonderful cookery demonstration by our resident baker in 4th Class. The children have been learning about procedure writing and this was a fun and tasty way to model this.


Hallway Heroes


Our school anti-bullying awareness campaign was busy this week with winners announced of the ‘Hallway Heroes,’ poster competition. Our staff wanted the children to become more empowered to REPORT negative behaviours which can be impactful on wellbeing. Well done to our different winners and a big thank you to Jim and Kevin from BULLY4U who visited the school to do workshops with the children and adults. The school will always look to be proactive in our approach to the wellbeing of the children and adults in our school community.


Well Done Ryan

Well done to Ryan Duffy from 6th Class, an excellent footballer who represented Dundalk FC in Kilkenny at the weekend and came home with a winner’s medal in an All-Ireland final after an exciting encounter. The game ended in a victory via penalties against Clare in Kilkenny.

Leinster Final 2023

A sad day of Louth in their match against Dublin, but a wonderful day out for Katie from 6th Class who represented her county with pride in the mini 7’s game at half-time.


Communion 2023

Congratulations to our lovely 2nd Class who had their Communion Day recently. The children have been preparing for weeks with the hard work of Miss Murphy and Anna in the classroom. They contributed greatly to the ceremony with wonderful prayer and song. Thank you to Margaret for all the wonderful work to decorate the Church and to Father Conlon for guiding the children in this sacrament. Many thanks to Sinead Hanlon for this beautiful photo. 

Louth v Offaly

Well done to Daniel and Conor who represented club, school and County at Croke Park on Sunday 30th April. Big congratulations to Louth Senior mens team who made the Leinster final on 14th May after a thrilling extra-time win over Offaly. A wonderful day for the lads. 


Louth’s Day in Croke Park

On Sunday 30th April 2023, Louth was in the semi-final of the Leinster Championship Football against Offaly.  It was the 1st time since 2010 that Louth was in the semi-final. It was in Croke Park in Dublin and we were full of hope of beating Offaly.

We were sitting in the Lower Hogan stand.  The crowd was in great form and the excitement was building.  The match started.  Louth scored the first point.  We were ahead for all of the first half though Offaly was close behind all the time.   At half time it was all a draw, Louth 0-9 and Offaly 1-06.  The Half time entertained on the pitch was mini games of football and a band playing music.

Second half started and once again the game was so close.  Louth went 4 points ahead 24 minutes in but Offaly caught up making it all square again at full time.  Extra time started. Offaly was the first to score but then Louth found their second wind and went 5 points ahead.  The Louth fans shouted and roared, cheering on their team.  It looked like we were going to do it, the semi-final was so close.  The referee finally blew the whistle.  We had won. We had beat Offaly by 6 points.  Louth was into their first Leinster football Final since 2010 and only their second since 1960. 

The next game would let us know who Louth was going to play in the final.  Dublin and Kildare came out on to the pitch.  Once again, each team hoping it would be their day.  It was Dubs day, they won the match.

Sunday 14th May is set for the meeting of Louth and Dublin. Tickets, flags and Jersey’s will be bought as all roads out of Louth lead to Croke Park again as we hope to beat the Dubs and take the Delaney Cup back to Louth. 


By Sarah Hoey


Greenore Celebrations

The children in 6th Class took part in a wonderful cross-border project and some of the work done by our school and Greencastle Primary school will be on display this weekend in Greenore. There will be lots of other fun events to enjoy on the day. 


Confirmation Trip to Downpatrick


The children from 6th Class were treated by the Parish Council to a wonderful tour of Downpatrick where they followed the journey of St Patrick by bus, on foot and by canoe!! After some lunch they visited the graveside of St Patrick, St Brigid and St Colmcille before returning home to Cooley.

Big thank you to Elaine and Martina for coordinating this visit. Many thanks also to Fr Malachy and all others involved in organising this special event. Learning from leaders on the day has given children from all schools in the parish inspiration in their preparations for Confirmation and time to get to know each other before transition from Primary school in September. A wonderful day was had by own children as they enjoyed the beautiful weather and lovely events planned. We can now look forward to the ‘Ceremony of Light,’ on Tuesday.


Boys 7's Final


Another wonderful achievement for our incredible boys’ team as they overcame a challenging final in a three game blitz in Darver on Wednesday 19th April. This was a very difficult one to win as we had to overcome much larger schools. I was disappointed not to be able to attend but I am delighted for SNA Andrea to have been involved in leading the team from the side-lines this afternoon. The school is indebted for the help and coaching experience of Gabrielle Hanlon and Cooley Kickhams GPO Eunan Walsh. This is not the first and hopefully won’t be the last piece of silverware this year for the boys!!!


Greenore/Greencastle Historical visits.

On the week before Easter we had a special learning experience in the school with the visit of Grange School from Greencastle Co. Down. Both schools combined for a visit to Greenore Co-Op and were warmly welcomed by Tommy McGrane, Brian and Ann Larkin. We gathered in the assembly room and where entertained by a video about the rise and fall of the steam railways in Ireland and learned about the history that connects us across the lough, including a re-enactment of passengers waiting to board the ill-fated Connemara in November 1916.  The children then visited the model railway, we had lunch with their new friends who sang ‘Farewell to Carlingford for us before we took to the streets for a walking tour of Greenore.

It was then time for the short trip over to see Hanlon’s Machinery collection - a personal collection of vintage tractors, implements and even a Pope Mobile. A special thank you must go to Caroline for organising this part of our tour.

Day 2 -

We spent another lovely return visit, exploring the lough from the Greencastle side in Co Down. It was another educational day out with time spent with special special guest, former Carlingford Lough pilot and attendant of Haulbowline Lighthouse, Mr Sean Cunningham. 

Mr Cunningham shared some of his knowledge and the many experiences he has had on the Lough with the children who asked very insightful questions on the topic.  The children learned about the Connemara and Retriever Disaster in 1916, Haulbowline Lighthouse and life on Carlingford Lough.

We are most grateful to the committee in Greenore for making the visit possible and a big thank you to Mr Cunningham for sharing his time and knowledge with us. Thank you also to Mrs Hughes, staff and children of Grange Primary School who made the visit a very special one.

It was lovely for the children from both schools to get to meet with each other and enjoy learning from both perspectives of the Lough and it’s history.



Louth Champions

Congratulations again to our outstanding team of boys for their wonderful display in Dundalk to become Louth small school soccer champions. 





A Big Thank You From Team Hope


Peace Proms 2023  


A wonderful time was had at this year’s Peace Proms in Belfast. The children represented the school proudly, preforming with a 3,000 strong choir and fabulous orchestra led by the amazing and charismatic Greg Beardsell for a huge audience of parents and family. It has been a tradition of the school to take part in Peace Proms and we hope to continue this for the coming years.

The photos above are a brilliant poster and report on the day by 5th Class student Lily

There are more photos from the day in the Gallery section of our website. 

 Mental Health Week- Part 2

We continued our positive mental health initiative this week with a hot chocolate day organised by our wonderful SNA Andrea.  Thank you very much to Muchgrange Milk for supplying milk free of change. There are lots of lovely photos of very happy children in the gallery section of our website.



Mental Health Week 2023



The children had a lovely time this dancing away stress and worries as part of our Mental health awareness week. Teachers are also organising special activities in the classrooms and our theme for ‘Class of the Week,’ is ‘Minding Each Other.’


Acelerated Reader Update -

The school is doing very well in our reading and testing! 90% of students are engaging with the programme and we are very close to our next 1,000,000 target. 727,864 words read by children in Boher NS during January. Nearly there guys! Let's keep it up. 

Grandparents Day

I was unable to take many photos on Grandparents' Day. I did get this lovely one (not of Grandparents), but I just had to share it. The joys of a sandpit!!!

Greener Christmas

Well done to our Aoife who was awarded 3rd place in the Louth Co Council Green Schools poetry competition with the theme of 'Greener Christmas.' There were a lot of brilliant entries from our own school and I will be making a display of the children's work to showcase the tremendous effort made. 


Nativity Practice

A got these two lovely photos on Friday of our very excited children as they practiced for their upcoming Nativity in Cooley Church. It's is going to be a wonderful evening! 






















Nathan Carter Practice



We are very lucky to have a choir representing the school this Sunday evening in Boher Church. The children will warm up the crowd for this wonderful event with the fabulous Nathan Carter who will be entertaining a packed Church in this Christmas, charity event. Our choir have been putting in the hard work to practice for this. We were very lucky and thankful to be joined by Mrs Harrison who has done a greatjob of  keeping everybody together and building the children’s confidence before the event.








Quiz Update!!

A massive congratulations to the winners of the 2022 Cumann na mBunscoil quiz!! A great collective effort by our wonderful team who brought the Corn Uí Dhuinnín back to the school for the first time since 2016. A lot for pride was felt by previous principls of Muchgrange, Brian McDonnell and Aoibheann Duffy. They just had to join in the celebrations! 

Cumann na mBunscol Regional Winners!


Well done to our quiz winners and thank you to Daniel for the write up about this wonderful achievement. 










Odd Socks Day


I didn't think I would find a child in the school with socks as 'odd' as me. Some great efforts from the children in wearing odd socks for the beginning of Anti-Bullying Week. There was even someone in Miss Murphy's class who wore odd shoes!! Of course, it is fine if the children want to wear odd socks for the rest of the week. It is a great way to express our individuality and uniqueness.

Shoebox Appeal 2022

Christmas came early at Scoil Naomh Mhuire! Many thanks to the children and parents of Boher for their generosity in collecting Shoeboxes for the annual appeal. Well done to Margaret, Mr Short and the Student Council for helping to organise this.  

Accelerated Raeder!!

Congratulations to the pupils of Boher for reaching our target of 1,000,000 words on Accelerated Reader. They have earned a night free of written homework. (reading day) A special thanks to these two readers who contributed more than their fair share to the total!! 

We will reset the counter, start again and hopefully earn another night off homework before Christmas!!

Music Generation

There was a lovely treat for 3rd and 4th Class today as Music Generation Ukulele lessons began for all students. 4th class girls, who have been attending lessons in Dundalk with Music Generation brought their beautiful harps to school to play for the class, A really lovely and enjoyable performance. 

Anti-Bullying Week - 14th-18th November.


The 14th-18th November is anti-bullying week. The theme is to 'Reach Out,' and to celebrate, I will encourage children to wear odd socks on Monday 14th as a celebration of everyone's differences. Instead of 'Drop everything And Read,' We will 'Drop Everything and Reflect,' this week as we take some time as a school community to think about the values of our school and how we can all help to prevent and address bullying.  



Big Day Out For The Rugby Players

A few future rugby stars from the school have taken part in a half-time rugby event at the Aviva. They were part of a Carlingford Knights team to entertain a packed stadium. They were also able to enjoy the game as Leinster took on Munster in a United Rugby Championship clash. A wonderful event for the young players. 

Darver Final 22/10/22



It was a very tough day for the girls at the final of the Corn Setanta final against Tullydonnell NS in Darver. Finals day is always a great occasion to be part of but can be heart-breaking if the result is not in our favour. It was a typically cold and windy day at the Darver Centre of Excellence and Tullydonnell raced into a 5-point lead at half time. A wonderful performance by our girls in the second half was not enough to claw back the deficit. Boher girls can look forward to the new year and the next round of competitions with confidence.  We have a lot to be proud about.


Accelerated Reader


Word Count: 23/10/22: We have reached 424,150 words!! Nearly halfway there!!

To encourage the boys and girls to read more and use the Accelerated Reader program to quiz on their book knowledge, we are launching a ‘Million word’ reading challenge. Every time our readers reach one million words on the Accelerated reader program, the whole school will be rewarded with a night off homework!!! The good news is we have already read over 100,000 words since we relaunched accelerated reader a few weeks ago. Children will be given opportunities to read and test in school. The link for accelerated Reader is also available at home, so the children can test anytime they finish a book.  The link is just below.



Wonderful Day for the Parish!

A great occassion was celebrated in Boher N.S. this week as the Cooley Ladies and Men's team came to visit, fresh from their heroic efforts on Sunday 2nd October. We are very proud of our past pupils who played a wonderful part in the success of Cooley in this year's Louth Championship. Congratulations!!!




      Student Council 2022-23

Well done to all the children who worked so hard to run a fantastic campaign to be part of the Student Council. Ms Cheevers will be the lead teacher for this year's council and the students will be supported by Head Girl and Boy Caoimhe and Christopher. 






The Juniors

A big Boher welcome to our lovely new students!!



Muchgrange GAA 2022-23

We are all set and ready to go for another season of Cumman na mBunscoil football. We will welcome Eunan back to help develop the game in our school and also welcome Ms Mackin who will oversee the girl's team this year. Let's hope for another special, fun  and successful year. Pictured above are the captains of the girls' and boys' team with the team goalies. Many thanks to sponsors of the new school jerseys Muchgrange Milk, Lampost Construction and Perfect Food Solutions. 



Lá Mór na bprátaí!

Conor and Andrea to the rescue! 6th Class had great fun this week harvesting our potato patch.


Our intention was to use the crop to make wedges and chips. Unfortunately, the harvest was not as plentyful as it has been in previous years. Luckily for us Conor and Andrea were on hand to suppliment our lunch with a few spuds from Hanlon's field. Great fun! 


Thanks to all the children for all their help in the garden and vegetable patch last year. I am sure there will be plenty of oppourtunities for all classes to contribute to our Eco-school and growing plans for this year. 









Croke Park Semi-final

We are so proud of 6th class (2022) student who represented school, club and county in a GAA sevens game at half tine on the 10th July in Croke park during the Dublin v Kerry game. Well done Zoe. 



Leavers 2022


In juniors we got to drip marshmallows in melted chocolate and had Golden time every day. In 5th Class Sebastian joined the school, but because of Covid, I couldn’t really talk to him. We became friends because of an X-Box game.6th Class was fun because we had a much bigger class. I liked doing things like preparing for Confirmation, making pizza and cookies. We also came third in the quiz and won the football final. - Seán Hughes


My favourite memories of this school - chocolate marshmallows in junior infants! Matthew Brady

Some of my favourite times spent in Primary School are Golden Time in junior Infants. I remember trying to make a zebra out of toilet roll and I failed miserably. Mrs Murphy helped me to finally get it to work. Aislinn McClancy


Sports Day 2022


Sports day was good fun. There were some unexpected winners like Matthew and Maxxie in the wheelbarrow race. Everybody seemed to enjoy the games and everyone was happy when they got ice-cream.

Oscar Daly 5th Class

It was great the way they set it up. Matthew Brady’s family bringing in ice-cream, and the way they set the teams up. There were ten teams. The three-legged race was amazing and catch the train was hilarious. The sprinting race was great. The Gaelic was my favourite out of them all. It was a great Sports Day.

Matthew Doran 5th Class


Boys (and Girls) Final.

Children from the school can be so proud of themselves for a wonderful showing of footballing skill and determination on Saturday 18th June when we won the Corn Mhic an Ghirr against a very determined Stabannon Team. It was a great end to a very busy footballing calendar. Many thanks must be given to the parents who prepared and supported the children on the day and Gabrielle Hanlon from the Board of Management who provided jerseys and footballs. A special thanks has to be given to Eunan Walsh our football coach who had our boys and girls so well drilled on the day. Thanks must also be given to Miss Taaffe, who gave up so much of her time this year to lead girls' football in the school. 


I have a few photos of the days' action, but if anyone has some good ones that they would like included on the school wedsite, please send them on to me





Ukulele Concert.

The Children from classes 1st - 6th all performed beautifully on Friday 17th June to showcase what was learned from our friday sessions with Gemma and Paul from Music Generation. We have lots of wonderful photos of the occasion which will be uploaded to the Gallery section soon. The photo below show 5th/6th class hard at practice. 



Concert with Zoe and John

The children from Miss Taaffe's class were delighted to take part in this wonderful occasion in Carlingford on Tuesday evening. The music was greatly enjoyed by parents and teachers. Many thanks to Paul from music generation for his hard work teaching our young musicians. I would also like to credit Ken Finnegan for this fabulous photo. 





Boys Football Final!


The boys from Boher NS, from a range of classes, from 4th to 6th class.The boys beat Ardaghy and Grange and now qualify into the final in Darver on 18th of June and would appreciate it if you can come along to support the team this Saturday. ðŸŸ£ðŸŸ£




Football update!!

Very hard luck the incredible warriors who play for our girls' football team. We missed out on a place in the final to a very spirited Bellurgan team. 


Visit From Zoe Conway and John McIntyre

Children in Miss Taaffe's class were lucky to have a visit form Zoe and John who joined them in a music workshop organised by Paul from Music Generation. The children are working on ukulele music for a performance next week featuring the talented local duo.





Football Semi- Final!!

The girls football team played some super matches in their blitz last week. They played Ardaghy, Rathcor, Mullaghbouy and Carlingford. After some tough matches but managed to win the blitz and qualify to the semi final against Bellurgan next week. Best of luck to the girls in their semi final. 



5th/6th Class Educational Beach Visit


Many thanks to William McElhinney, Explorer Education Officer for Leave No Trace Ireland who came all the way from Donegal to lead a Seashore Safari in Greenore. Great, active and engaging session and a wonderful afternoon on the beach. The children thoroughly enjoyed the event with some amazing photos uploaded to the gallery, capturing the great finds of the day.


3rd/4th Beach Clean 

3rd and 4th Class went on a trip to the beach. We had a great day at Templetown beach, we cleaned up the beach. Then we had a sandcastle building competition. And we played different games .We had a great time.



Peace Proms 2022 - Waterfront Hall.

A brilliant time was had by all children involved in this year's Peace Proms. It is always a fabulous pleasure to take the children on tour to Belfast to be part of this wonderful occasion. Parents also seemed to be having a good time taking part in the dances and singing along with the choir and orchestra. 





Children's Mental Health Week 4th - 8th February

We’re taking steps to be Healthy: Inside and Out.

When we think about healthy living, we tend to focus on looking after our bodies – our physical well-being – through food, being active and getting enough sleep.


Cuman na mBunscol Quiz 2022

Well done to our quiz team, Sebastian, Roisin, Sean, Matthew and Daniel who represented the school so well in this year's Tráth na gCeist. They were winners of the regional competition in Bellurgan School and missed out by only 1 point in the Knockbridge final.  Congratulations to everyone involved!

Childrens' Work 

Mile a Day

Image result for a mile a day schools challengeDuring the month of January all pupils of our school enjoyed an active month in support of Glenmore AC celebrating their 50th anniversary. Glenmore AC with the Support of Athletics Ireland are promoting the Daily mile and invited us to join in. Each day we spent 15 minutes outside, walking, running and jogging. Each week we ran a little further, breath a little easier and got a little stronger. We all enjoyed the challenge and wish Glenmore AC all the best in their year of celebrations.



Seinn celebrates the opening of Catholic Schools week, this years theme was celebrating the work of our Catholic schools. On the 24th of January, 4th, 5th and 6th class went to the Holy Redeemer Church and there were schools from all across Louth joining together in song to celebrate Catholic Schools week. Catholic Schools we began on the 3rd of February.    
Just before 12 o'clock we began a great bus journey. When we arrived we saw the gigantic, looming, beautiful church. Once we walked inside we saw bands practicing, children singing and dancers performing. Then Archbishop Eamonn Martin gave a great sermon, his words told us to rejoice and be glad. The Archbishop taught us a song called Rejoice, we sang it in rounds and it sounded really cool.
My favorite song of the day was Raindrops because there was a live band and dancers performing. Overall the mass was a great success.
We talked and laughed the whole way home and we couldn't get a much better day than that. The mass was an unforgettable experience and I enjoyed it so much.  
A Visit from Cathy Ryan
Seachtain na Gaeilge arrived early for the children of Muchgrange National School on Friday, March 3rd.
Cathy Ryan, an Irish-American singer/songwriter and musician, visited the children to regale them with her beautiful songs and music.  The children in the Junior classes learned ‘Seoithín Seo’, Cathy was taught this by her Irish grandmother.  A seisiún took place with the older children.  They sang ‘Cuirfimid Deaindí Deaindí’ and ‘Walk the Road’.  Our Irish dancers performed a version of ‘Báile Luimnigh’ to the ‘Kerry Polka’ played by the class musicians.  Cathy loved the community and said it was an honour to be with the children who gave her a very warm Ceád Míle Fáilte. 5th and 6th class sang ‘Mo Ghile Mear’ agus ‘Sásta go Leor’ which was accompanied with some children playing the bodhrán, fiddle and tin whistles.    







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