News for Parents
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Support Service -
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Hampers -
An amazing amount of work went into the creation of luxury gift hampers for our Parent’s Association Christmas draw. A cake sale also took place at the school with loads of tasty treats on offer. The school would like to offer a big thank you to our hard-working Parent’s Association, all parents who have contributed to the hampers and cake sale, to the Student Council for helping out, and to everyone who contributed by buying tickets and purchasing cakes and buns.
Please note - New SEN Policy 2024-27 ratified by the Board of Management and uploaded to the Website.
School Lotto -
Follow the link to join -

It is recognised that parents/legal guardians are the primary educators in a child’s life and as such from time-to-time concerns may arise which they may need to engage with the school. It is expected that engagement will be timely, courteous and resolution focused to ensure that the important relationship between the parent and school can be preserved and respected. It is expected that all parties concerned will engage proactively.

Link to Irish language supports for parents - 'Cúpla Focal.'
- Cúla 4: Excellent for younger pupils for Irish vocab – very child friendly. There are also videos of your children’s favourite cartoons here as Gaeilge which would be useful to watch occasionally to keep up with Irish
- Doulingo: most suitable from 2nd class upwards. Excellent app. Tests your child Irish ability level at the start and they work away at their own level for 10mins daily
- Mathduel: For tables. Fun and interactive
- Starfall: For spellings. Again, very child friendly and useful to keep spellings progressing without feeling like schoolwork
- Jolly Phonics App: to keep up phonics learning for infant classes
- Dolch words Apps: (there is a wide range available): for the development of sight words
- Nessy Apps: for reading for pupils with dyslexia or difficulties
- PinkFong: Digital stories for infant classes. Excellent and engaging
- Khan Academy: Useful for maths for older pupils especially
- Kahoot: for general knowledge and quizzes
- Toontastic: probably the best app ever for digital storytelling – pupils can devise their own digital story, picking a range of characters, settings, even musical background. They plan a beginning, middle and end to their story and can record their own voices to tell the story
- Puppetpals: similar to toontastic – useful for younger pupils. They can record themselves telling the story also
- Lightbot – Coding app – super for all ages.
Here is a list of suggested websites that can be used to enhance the learning of maths: