Kiva Schools

In the 2023/24 school year, our school adopted the KiVa program to address and mitigate bullying. Teachers received comprehensive training, and a dedicated "KiVa team," was established to support and guide our children through challenging issues and difficult times. In September, an informational session for parents was held, featuring support from KiVa representative Siobhan McCarthy.

It is our hope that with the dedication of our teachers and the patience and co-operation of parents, the guidance provided by this proven strategy will equip our children with the support, strategies, and resilience to combat bullying effectively.

Parents' Guide to KiVa -

Key Components of the KiVa Program:

  1. Preventive Measures: KiVa focuses on prevention through education. It includes lessons and activities that teach students about bullying, its effects, and how to stand up against it. The program aims to change the attitudes and behaviors of students, promoting empathy and respect.

  2. Intervention Strategies: When bullying incidents occur, KiVa provides specific strategies for school staff to address and resolve these cases. This involves discussions with the bullied student, the bully, and sometimes other involved students, aiming to stop the bullying behaviour and support the victim.

  3. Monitoring and Feedback: The program includes tools for monitoring the prevalence of bullying in schools and tracking the effectiveness of the interventions. Surveys and feedback mechanisms help schools assess their progress and make necessary adjustments.

  4. School-Wide Approach: KiVa involves the entire school community, including teachers, students, and parents. Training is provided for school staff, and informational sessions are conducted for parents to ensure a consistent and comprehensive approach to preventing and addressing bullying.

  5. Online Resources: KiVa offers a range of online resources, including games and activities for students, materials for teachers, and informational content for parents. These resources are designed to reinforce the lessons and principles of the program.

Benefits of the KiVa Program:

  • Reduced Bullying: Studies have shown that schools implementing the KiVa program see significant reductions in bullying and victimization.
  • Improved Student Wellbeing: By addressing bullying effectively, KiVa helps improve the overall wellbeing and mental health of students.
  • Positive School Climate: The program promotes a positive and inclusive school climate, enhancing the learning environment for all students.
  • Empowerment: KiVa empowers students to stand up against bullying and supports bystanders in taking positive actions to stop bullying behaviors.

Global Reach:

While KiVa originated in Finland, it has been adopted by schools in various countries around the world, including the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Its effectiveness across different cultural contexts underscores its adaptability and the universal importance of addressing bullying in schools.

In summary, KiVa schools are committed to creating a safe and supportive learning environment by systematically preventing and addressing bullying. The program’s comprehensive approach, combining education, intervention, and community involvement, has proven effective in reducing bullying and improving student wellbeing.


Our Anti-Bullying Policy and Code of Behaviour were updatded and ratified by the Board of Management in June 2024 to reflect the use of Kiva as a stategy for addressing bullying issues. 

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