Green Flag

 Heritage Visit


Our Heritage Visit this year came from Ross Cochrane, and expert in learning outside of the classroom setting; His workshops provided on the day were play-centred and inclusive, with activities and games using objects from nature and with a strong emphasis on the Irish Language. The learning was geared to instil a passion, curiosity and appreciation of nature using the area surrounding the school, a rich biodiversity that connects and surrounds us.




That's the spuds planted!



                                      Mud Kitchen Wedding Cake!!


The Boher children have been making light of all the rainy weather by putting all the mud to great use. Here is a great example of the ‘Cooking,’ going on in the ‘Mud Kitchen.’ A beautiful wedding cake fit for any bride to be.


                                         Exporing the Outdoor Classroom.





                                                  Summer Growth



Some lovely growing happening at the school in July. One good thing about the wet weather. The vegetable patch is looking well too. Beautiful wildflowers growing in the boat and lovely sweet pea looking great at the school car park.





Hertitage Ireland Visit

Today the students from 1st/ 2nd classes and the Green School’s Committee were treated to a visit from Heritage Ireland nature expert, Goska. The children learned a lot about global climate issues and were guided in a tour of the biodiversity that can be found in our own school garden.





 Rainforest Projects 3rd/4th Class




Garden Transformation


Some wonderful work has been done this week in preparation for our school ‘Open Day.’ The Boher children with the help of our Eco-school committee have transformed the gardens in the school with colour and new, beautiful, and interesting additions. With the vision and dedication to task of our school secretary and Head Gardener, Oliver Marmion, the school has never looked so good. Thank you to Gabrielle Hanlon who called over with a treat of ice-cream for the hard workers. More photos of the garden can be found in the gallery section of the website.


Litter Pickers

Some wonderful work done by a team of litter pickers in the school. Keeping our environment tidy and safe for students. 

Autumn Nature Art



Mrs Haran’s class were busy this week collecting little bits of nature to make beautiful art pieces. The children used fallen leaves of various colours, rocks, bits of sticks and seashells to bring some of the wonder of nature to their classroom. The assignment was given as a homework task and 3rd/4th class children uploaded videos and photos to Seesaw to show how they made them. The excellent example in the photo was made with vibrant Autumnal coloured leaves with stunning reds, browns, and orange. Shells were collected to make jewellery and the art was presented as a gift to Andrea, one of our SNAs.  





On Wednesday 15th JUne we had a very interesting and informative visit from Liam and Tony with their bees. The children were very interested in this very informative talk.


Green  Flag 2022-23

Hello and welcome to our Green Flag space,

The school has been busy this last few months perparing our garden space for Spring and Summer. All classes have been involved in litter picking, weeding, planting and tidy up. Miss Taaffe's class planted some beautiful flowers just in time for the 'Open Day.' Mr McCrink's and Miss Cheever's class, with help from Mrs Waller had a lovely time planting seed potatoes, onions and peas in the school planters. Wildflower planted in 'Boher-sphere' area are also looking beautiful.







Presentation of Green FlagGreen Flag at Croke Park

The Gist of the Green Flag

Green-schools is an international environmental education programme and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges long-term, whole-school action for the environment.The aim of green- schools is to increase students' and participants awareness of environmental issues through classroom studies and to transfer this knowledge into positive environmental action in the school and also in the wider community. Schools that have successfully completed all the elements of the programme are awarded the 'Green-Flag'.This award has now become a well-recognised Eco-Label.The award has to be renewed every two years.

 Green Flag Committee 2022:  The Current Green flag committee consists of children from Snr Infants- 6th class.  The older children have the responsibility of taking a lead role in various aspects of Eco- school; recycling, energy conservation, Walk to school, school garden and raising awareness of how each child and their parents can make a difference.

Green-Schools 'Irish Aid Awards.' 

The Green Flag committee have been hard at work again entering the 'Irish Aid Awards.' for 2022. The theme this year was 'Wellbeing fo People and Planet.' Congratulations to all the entries, especially 5th Class pupil Oscar Daly who made this year's issues of the Irish Aid magazine. 



Sea Safari/Beach visits

As part of our Action Plan for a Green School we are encouraged to take pride in our shoreline. Children were lucky to take part in visits to Templetown beach (4th/5th class) and Greenore Beach. The children played some games and helped to clean uo the beach as well as exporing the plant and sealife. Species such as 'starfish,' 'butterfish,' and even a very large 'edible crab was found. 



Log Pile and Bug Hotel

The Green Flag committee have created a 'Log Pile' and very impressive 'Bug Hotel,'in 2021 to create an area that is a suitable habitiat for minibeasts. Our overall aim is to increase the richness and the number of species found within our school boundaries.



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